Page Turners began as one mother’s campaign to encourage her child to read. As a book lover and avid reader, it was a shock to discover my daughter did not share my love of reading. Drawing inspiration from great authors and memorable characters, I fashioned an after-school book club to motivate my child to read. And it worked! With help from great authors like Lemony Snickett, Stephanie Meyer and Lisi Harrison, she kept reading without being prompted.
By involving friends and classmates, engaging teachers and enhancing the reading experience with hands-on activities, field trips and visits from guest speakers, not only did my child fall in love with books, her classmates did, too. Parents, teachers and principals embraced the club as enthusiastically as the children.

What began as a campaign born of self-interest became a call to action. Reading is not just an essential skill, but a flame that, when kindled, can light the way to new adventures, spark imagination and creativity, and fire an ever-growing sense of one’s own possibilities. If a book club could work for children whose parents were eager and able to provide extra enrichment and encouragement, how much more beneficial would it be for children born into less advantaged circumstances?
Over the past 12 years, Page Turners Make Great Learners has conducted read-a-thons, books clubs and book donation drives benefiting thousands of children in Title I schools in DeKalb, Fulton and Atlanta Public schools. We are still a young organization striving to make an impact on the lives, education and future of our children through the power of reading. Because you are here, new doors will open for these children. I thank you for your support in helping Page Turners achieve its mission.
To whom much is given, much is required.
FeFe Handy